BARBIE WATCHES TV ALONE, NAKED She's got her bride clothes on the floor, her cancan skirt, pale ruffly fish net tights and a cameo choker tossed around the bed like a moat. Now she's got the remote control clicker and can switch and change, not be at someone else's whim, her body twisted, dressed and un- dressed, a slave to another's fingers as if her ankles were bound in leather, chained, legs spread apart. Travel Around the World with Barbie stamped on her fore- head in catalogues from Sears. She is sick of having a rod jammed up in side her, of being boxed in with a hair brush that usually goes where it shouldn't. She wants to lie in tv light, not have to hide what she is missing: a belly button, skin that smells like skin, doesn't want to have to keep smiling as any stranger who buys her twists her arm out of its socket or throws her out |